This year, dozens of BAERI researchers will be involved in a wide range of AGU…
Fall School of Astrochemistry: 10/13-10/16
Announcing the first edition of FALL SCHOOL OF ASTROCHEMISTRY to be held at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California on 13-16th October 2015. The school will consist of eight lectures by Prof. Alexander Tielens on various aspects of astrochemistry. These lectures are designed for younger scientists such as graduate students, post docs, and researchers who work in the broad area of astrochemistry. The school will be interactive and participatory. It will provide a forum for in-depth discussions on topics that can be driven by the participants. Apart from the lectures by Prof. Tielens, there will be one lecture each given by Dr. Lou Allamandola, Dr. Timothy Lee, Dr. Scott Sandford, Dr. Farid Salama, and Dr. Andy Mattioda on special interest topics. A description of the lecture topics and schedule is uploaded on the following webpage.
Space is limited. Please sign up as soon as possible through the webpage. We can accept a total of 30 participants.
Partha P. Bera
Ella Sciamma-O’Brien
Xinchuan Huang
Naseem Rungwala
Michel Nuevo
Christopher Materese
(all from NASA Ames Research Center)