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Taylor James Bell (he/him)
Research Scientist
Taylor Bell
I study the atmospheres of exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope.
Current research
What are the atmospheres of cooler, smaller exoplanets like? How can learning more about their atmospheric chemistry and dynamics help us work towards characterizing potentially habitable worlds?
I am currently working on analyzing James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations to characterize the atmospheres of cooler and smaller planets than were previously accessible with the Hubble or Spitzer space telescopes. My work is done in support of the joint Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) and Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Guaranteed Time Observations (GTO) led by Thomas Greene. As part of the Eureka! collaboration, I am helping to develop an open-source data pipeline that will allow users to move easily from raw telescope observations to high-quality scientific results with as little effort as possible. Open-source code is also great because it allows work to be more easily reproducible.
Technical Description
With the launch of JWST, a wealth of new studies of exoplanetary atmospheres will become possible. To date, exoplanetary atmospheric features at wavelengths larger than 1.7 microns have been inaccessible with space-based high-precision spectroscopy, and the coarse photometric bands of the Spitzer Space Telescope/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) leave many questions unanswered. JWST will finally lift this veil, permitting high-precision spectroscopy spanning 0.6–12 microns split across several different instruments.

This broad spectral coverage will allow for the detection of many common molecular features, providing far greater knowledge of the compositions of exoplanetary atmospheres. In addition, JWST’s larger collecting area and access to longer wavelengths permit the study of cooler and less massive planets than were previously characterizable. Through a combined MIRI and NIRCam GTO program, Thomas Greene will lead a team that seeks to demonstrate these many significant advances by collecting 2.4–12 microns transmission and emission spectra of several small, cool-to-warm planets. As a member of this team, my primary duty is to optimize the reduction and analysis of the MIRI GTO observations, with additional opportunities to lead scientific studies using these observations.

Publications & Projects
ADS Public Library
Taylor James Bell’s Website
Ph.D. Physics. McGill University, 2021. Supervisor, Nicolas Cowan.
B.S., Honors, Physics. University of Saskatchewan, 2016.
Get in touch: bell (at) //
About Taylor
Where are you from, and what were you doing before BAERI?
I grew up in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in Canada and moved to the Bay Area in January 2022. Before coming to BAERI, I was a Ph.D. student at McGill University, where I was studying the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters using observations from Spitzer and simple theoretical models.
What’s one job-related thing that you love talking about with other people?
I really like working on software development, especially open-source software, and I’d be happy to discuss tips and tricks to help make code more user friendly and readable.
How about an interest outside of work?
I am at my happiest when outdoors and love hiking, canoeing and kayaking, and camping.
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