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BAERI’s Souvik Bose Receives IAU’s PhD Award for Best Thesis in 2021

BAER research scientist Souvik Bose will be awarded the International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) best PhD thesis of the year award in the Sun and Heliosphere Division of the IAU in Busan, South Korea in August. The PhD prize recognizes the outstanding scientific achievement of astronomy PhD students worldwide. Each of the IAU’s nine divisions awarded a prize to the PhD candidate that accomplished the most remarkable work in 2021. Bose has also been invited to give a talk on his research at the IAU General Assembly plenary session in Busan. 

Bose is a member of the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab. His winning thesis, “On the Dynamics of Spicules and Mass Flows in the Solar Atmosphere,” focuses on the physical characteristics and dynamics of spicules – small-scale jets found on the Sun’s surface – along with their role in mass balance and heating the solar atmosphere. Bose’s goal is to unlock the mysteries surrounding the dynamics of the interface region of the Sun with a focus on spicules, which are found almost everywhere on the Sun’s surface. At any given moment there can be as many as 10 million spicules rapidly shooting out from the Sun.

Citation: Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR),

Souvik Bose in the optics room of the world-class Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope located in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. The data from this telescope was the basis of Bose’s thesis on spicules in tandem with space-based NASA’s IRIS and SDO missions.
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