BAERI alumn Taylor Bell has contributed to a new study that rethinks the nature of…
Sanjiv Tiwari Presents Research on Solar Activity at 234th Meeting of the AAS
Dr. Sanjiv Tiwari, a BAER Institute scientist at Lockheed Martin’s Solar and Astrophysics Lab in Palo Alto, CA, participated in a press conference held at the recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society in St. Louis, MO, June 10, 2019. His talk, “Fine-scale Explosive Energy in the Core of the Solar Active Region,” was one of five presentations delivered on the topic “What’s New Under the Sun.” In his brief presentation, Tiwari discussed the combination of data obtained from the High Resolution Imager (Hi-C) and Interface Region Imagery Spectrogrph (IRIS) project that provides new insights into how the solar atmosphere responds to the surface magnetic field evolution.